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Friday, March 01, 2013

Me + Running: a history

I'm the kind of person that obsesses over things. I usually go through phases and sometimes it sticks and it turns into a big part of my life. Lately, I've gotten back into running. and it's becoming a large part of my life at the moment.
Now let me tell you, if you asked me 10 years ago, what would be the activity that I would be thinking about almost non-stop as I near my 30' would most defiantly NOT be running. I wouldn't run unless I was academically required to (yearly mile run in gym class, anyone?) or someone was chasing me with a knife (this didn't happen.).  

But here I am! I started running when I was in my last semester in college. I had been involved in a depressing and unfortunate relationship for 1 1/2 years and gained the relationship and college weight all in one go. One day I stepped on the scale and realized I was almost at the 200 lbs mark. I needed to do something. Well, the end of that relationship somehow made me feel like running. So the next day, I got up and ran. I think it might have been a very hilly mile that I ran every single morning. Add that to not eating, and VOILA! I lost about 30 lbs. in a month. 
I stopped running when the NY winter came rolling in and eventually moved back home after graduation. I managed to maintain my weight for a while by eating better, but that was all I did. I remember the exact date I was going to start again. Inauguration day 2009 (1/20/2009). I figured it was a good day to start. This time I managed to keep up with it on the treadmill in the basement for the cold days, and when it got warmer I tackled the long slow hills in the neighborhood. I managed to keep that up on and off for a while. 
Then came the big move. I traded in my empty country roads for the streets of Brooklyn. My first apartment was in a not so nice neighborhood, but I tried. Through my headphones I could hear old men (who were playing cards on the sidewalk) yelling various English and Spanish phrases at me... Not the most comfortable situation to run in. Then I changed neighborhoods and eventually tried to run in this one. This time the problem wasn't the people, it was the cars! and the hills! I was dead by the time I hit a half mile, and almost literally from all the traffic! So I gave up.

Then came the big move. We moved to Michigan. The suburbs of Detroit to be specific. Close to all the amenities I was used to. Target? Large Grocery stores? Malls? Inexpensive gyms?! YES PLEASE! So after settling in a bit, I joined my local Planet Fitness (Dear Planet Fitness, I kinda love you.), and hopped back on that treadmill. 

This time with a few goals in mind:
- Lose the 20-25 lbs gained from all the amazing NYC food. (I miss it so...)
- Actually an event goal to work towards. 

  First it was a 5k race. I wanted to do the Color run or Color me rad...and actually RUN the thing. I bought "5K runner" for my iphone and slowly worked my way up from a very tired mile, so a not so bad 3.5 mile run. I just started the "10k Runner" program earlier this week and hope to be kicking butt on that! 

I have races planned for most of the months of the year and maybe see a half marathon in my sight within the year. We'll see how it all goes! I'll be sure to update as work toward my goals and plan on reviewing some races along the way. First race is 3 miles on March 16th. :)
I suppose this is my version of 30 before 30...but it's just one big goal.





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